Genetic analysis


Genetic differences between individuals influence their response to drugs. Pharmacogenetics allows each treatment to be better adjusted according to the individual genetic makeup, in search of more personalized treatments that maximize efficacy and minimize adverse effects. OBJECTIVE: Select the most appropriate drugs, using genetic information to: Minimize side effects and Maximize therapeutic efficacy. The genetic response of the patient to each drug will allow the adaptation of the necessary treatment for depression, anxiety, psychosis or epilepsy.
This test studies the main metabolizing molecules and targets involved in the toxicity and effectiveness of the different drugs.








Valproic Acid * Carbamazepine * Clobazam * Diazepan * Phenytoin * Phenobarbital Lamotrigine Levetiracetam Lorazepam Oxcarbazepine Zonisamide
(*) Drugs for which the United States FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and / or EMEA (European Medicine Agency) have approved the inclusion of pharmacogenomic information on their labels.


Select the most appropriate drug Adjust the recommended doses Reduce adverse reactions Ensure therapeutic action


DrugChip DepressionDrugAnxiety ChipDrugPsychosis ChipDrugEpilepsy ChipDrugNeurology Chip

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DrugChip Depression
DrugChip Anxiety
DrugChip Psychosis
DrugChip Epilepsy
DrugChip Neurology
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