Hyperactivity disorders


Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

ADHD is a disorder that affects 5% of people of school age. Children with ADHD are very restless and impulsive, and have trouble paying attention and concentrating. Despite trying, they are unable to listen properly, to organize their tasks, to follow complex instructions, to work or play as a team. They are usually restless children, always on the move, unable to sit for long or with constant restlessness.

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:

The core symptoms of ADHD are: hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.

Symptoms of hyperactivity:

Does not attend to details, makes mistakes Difficulty maintaining attention Fictitious deafness Does not follow instructions, does not finish tasks Difficulty organizing himself Avoids tasks that require continuous effort Forgets and loses things necessary for his activity Easy distraction by external stimuli Forget in daily activities

Symptoms of impulsivity-inattention:

Restlessness, fidgets in the seat Rises when they should be sitting Runs and jumps in inappropriate situations Difficulty playing quietly Excited often, “like a motorcycle” Verbalism Responds before the question is finished Difficulty keeping turns in group activities Interrupts others in games , conversations, etc.


ADHD has a predominance of hyperactivity / impulsivity when 6 or more items of hyperactivity / impulsivity and less than 6 items of inattention are detected. ADHD has a predominance of inattention when 6 or more items of inattention are detected and less than 6 items of hyperactivity / impulsivity Combined ADHD when 6 or more items of hyperactivity / impulsivity and 6 or more items of inattention are detected.



Genetics: there is a family and hereditary basis that explains 50% of cases Neurostructure: alterations in a part of the brain called the frontal lobe.


Chaotic family systems at the family level Too demanding family systems.


They do not learn to tolerate delay in gratification. That is, to see the possible benefits of waiting Difficulty in self-regulation They do not associate well the relationship between misbehavior and punishment.

Problems associated with ADHD:

Many people with ADHD also develop school failure, emotional problems, anxiety, and are associated with problematic family environments. 40-50% have learning difficulties.

Course and prognosis:

This disorder is 5 times more frequent in men than in women and in these the inattentive subtype usually occurs. ADHD begins around the age of 5, and although these changes can persist into adulthood, they tend to improve over time.
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